• Introduction


    Welcome to our Private Artiste community. Our community is designed to assist you as an entrepreneur, singer-songwriter or any modern creative looking to achieve your dreams and goals. Being an artiste is no longer baked into being a painter or songwriter. It’s about using your creativity to design the life that you believe that you want. What I have realized over the years from being in the entertainment business and working with various creatives is that many need the extra push and motivation to be the best that they can be as they move forward in life. We offer various tips, training, advise and hacks to help you to succeed.…

  • Introduction

    Learn More About Other’s Needs

    Learn more about the other parties to make connections. You need to know about the people you are connecting. If two people are looking to start up a business, but the type of business is different, this will not make a good match. This is avoided by knowing the people in your network, which requires that you stay connected and reach out frequently. People needs change over time. What they wanted five years ago is likely to be different than what they are looking for now. That’s why keeping communication channels open is essential.